Wednesday, May 14, 2014

One Dozen Rose Bushes

For Valentine's Day one year Dad planted one dozen rose bushes for Mom.  Dad lovingly cared for those 12 bushes year after year.  He watered, weeded and pruned out of love for Mom.  The most fragrant roses were the "Mr. Lincoln" roses.  They were a beautiful deep red and they smelled like no rose I have ever since smelled.   The 12 rose bushes provided countless vases of rose bouquets.  As a little girl I thought it was so romantic that he had given her rose bushes to last for years instead of just one bouquet of roses.  I believe that when they moved to Hemet he attempted to transplant some of the rose bushed but they were never the same as they were in the El Cajon house.

Correction - I talked to Mom about the rose bushes.  When they moved to Hemet they did not transplant them.  They planted new rose bushes that grew nicely there.  They were never able to find another rose bush that smelled as nice as the Mr. Lincoln that grew at the El Cajon house.

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