Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Family Story

I have started many conversations with "Have you heard my family story?"  As a little kid I loved to tell it.  As I teenager I thought it was kind of strange.   As an adult I have only begun to understand the complex emotions behind it.  The story really needs a diagram.

Bert Robertson + Martha = Diana
marriage ends in divorce

Mary + Not sure first name, last name Martin = Roberta & Rod
marriage ends in divorce

Bert + Mary = Temple marriage with sealing of Roberta and Rod to Bert
Bert and Mary had Michael, Rebecca, Mark, Marybeth & Esther

Family vacation over Easter break results in a tragic car accident where wife Mary and daughter Rebecca die.  At the time Roberta and Rod were adults and not living at home any longer.

Roberta + Don = Debbie
marriage had ended in divorce

Roberta moved home with daughter Debbie to help her step-Dad run the household after her mom passed away.  Within a short period of time Bert asked Roberta to marry him.  She said YES.

Bert + Roberta = Elizabeth, Eve & Anna
My parents have been married now for 42 years.

I can only imagine how hard it all way for my older siblings to have their mom and sister die while they were kids (age 17-8 or so).  To make things more challenging their older half sister took over the role as mom.    The entire situation is odd but it is all that I know as family.  This is my story.  My legacy.   If this strange occurrence had never happened I would not be here.  If my dad had not had the courage to do what he felt was best (marrying his step daughter) this crazy thing I call family wouldn't exist. I know it has caused pain and anguish for some my siblings but I am grateful for it in a strange sort of way.

My dad loves all of his children.  He counts 12.  Diana, Roberta, Rod, Michael, Rebecca, Mark, Marybeth, Esther, Debbie, Elizabeth, Eve & Anna.  Yes it is a little strange that he counts my Mom as one of his kids but she is sealed to him as both and daughter and a wife.  Debbie calls my dad grandpa even though he thinks of her as a daughter.  If I trace family relationships through my mom most of my siblings are my Aunts and Uncles.  If I trace them though my Dad they are my brother and sisters.  There is a vast age span.  Michael's daughter Tamara was one of my best friends as a teenager.  It's complicated to say the least.

Mark shared a quote of Facebook that I have been thinking about a lot lately.

"We should pray for the strength to learn from, change, or accept our circumstances rather than praying relentlessly  for God to change our circumstances according to our will."
 Elder David Bednar

The first time I saw the quote I was thinking about myself and my reaction to the upcoming loss of my Dad.  But this is so applicable to my Dad.  His life has not been easy.  He has had his share of challenges.  He has been blessed with this crazy large family with challenging dynamics.  I know that he has done exactly what this statement is talking about.  Dad has set a great example for his children on how we should live our lives.  He has been the ultimate Patriarch.  I feel blessed to call him Dad and to call all of his children my brothers and sisters.

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